Work motivation, Compensation, Employee performanceAbstract
Character education is an important component that must be integrated in learning mathematics to achieve predetermined educational goals, namely changes in attitudes and behavior of students which include the formation of personal character such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, polite cooperation in addition to the ability to think mathematically. always based on logical and systematic thinking. Thus learning mathematics is expected not only to be able to lead students to success in learning mathematics in the form of achievement, but also changes in attitude and character . The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative to see the effectiveness of problem-based learning with flipped classrooms that are integrated with character education. The instruments used were observation sheets of teacher activities and student activities, student response questionnaires and learning achievement tests. Based on analysis descriptive could concluded that: 1). The ability of the teacher in manage learning categorized as effective, 2). Activity student categorized as effective, 3). Response student to learning positive, and 4). Study results in a manner classic complete. With k ian's sake, learning based on problem with integrated flipped classroom with education character at SMK Tridharma Gorontalo said effective
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