European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements <p><strong>European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements (EJHEA)</strong> is a Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal which covers the various areas of Humanities, Social Sciences and Educational Research. This journal is monthly published online monthly. </p> <p><strong>ISSN (E): </strong>2660-5589</p> <p><strong>Journal Impact Factor:</strong> 7.223 <a href=""><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 8.211</a></p> en-US (Pr. María Dolores Meneses-Fernández) (Dr. Daniel Lofez) Sun, 26 Jan 2025 06:40:41 +0000 OJS 60 IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN CHILDREN AND ITS TREATMENT. <p>According to WHO, the prevalence of IDA in young children ranges from 17.5 to 30%. The causes of iron deficiency in children are quite varied. The effectiveness of ferrotherapy is an integral indicator of two components - the therapeutic effectiveness in relieving anemic syndrome and the tolerability of a particular ferropreparation by patients. 55 children with IDA of 1-2 degrees aged 1 to 3 years were examined. The main group took ferrum-lek in grape juice (FVS) as monotherapy, the control group ferrum-lek in the form of syrup, without the addition of juice. The effectiveness of FVS was confirmed by the fact that already on the 15-20th day of treatment there was a certain regression of clinical symptoms and positive changes in the morphofunction of the erythrocyte system of sick children. The results obtained allow us to recommend FVS as an effective and safe herbal preparation for the treatment and prevention of IDA in children over 1 year old, and the bioavailability and bioavailability of FVS are significantly higher than those of iron preparations when taken orally.</p> Lutfullaev Doston Rustamovich, Bobomurodova Dilbar Bobomurodovna, Otamurodov Azizbek Bakhtiyorovich Copyright (c) 2025 Lutfullaev Doston Rustamovich, Bobomurodova Dilbar Bobomurodovna, Otamurodov Azizbek Bakhtiyorovich Wed, 22 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPLICIT MEANING IN THE QUR’ANIC SURAHS: SURAT ALKAWTHAR, AS A MODEL <p>Quranic semantic studies have spread widely and widely in many universities, because the Holy Quran is a sea of sciences and facts. It has included in its verses and surahs clear and apparent meanings and other deep, esoteric meanings that require us to delve into knowing them and searching for them in the various and multiple interpretation books of different religions. The research plan came divided into two parts preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion. The first section included the concept of implicit meanings in the Quranic surahs divided into two requirements: the first to define them and the second to explain their types. As for the second section, it was devoted to explaining the applications of implicit meanings in Surat AlKawthar and it was on several axes, including the meaning of giving first, the meaning of Kawthar second, the meaning of advice and ownership third, the meaning of support and assistance fourth, and finally the phonetic meaning. Among the reasons for the researchers choosing the research (implicit meaning in the Quranic surahs - Surat Al-Kawthar as a model); is the connection of this blessed surah to Lady Zahra, peace be upon her, and Kawthar.</p> Hala Hayder Mohammed, Hadeel Abdulameer Hassooni, Suad Jubair Sultan Copyright (c) 2025 Hala Hayder Mohammed, Hadeel Abdulameer Hassooni, Suad Jubair Sultan Sat, 25 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000