
  • Mitra Nursita Jusuf Postgraduate Nonformal Education, Gorontalo State University
  • Wenny Hulukati Postgraduate Nonformal Education, Gorontalo State University
  • Asni Ilham Postgraduate Nonformal Education, Gorontalo State University
  • Abdul Rahmat Postgraduate Nonformal Education, Gorontalo State University


Nature Learning, Environmental Care and Module


The aims of this study were (1) to determine the objective conditions of environmental awareness-based learning in Kindergarten in Tapa District, Bone Bolango Regency, (2) to determine the conceptual model of environmental awareness-based learning in Kindergarten, Tapa District, Bone Bolango Regency, (3) to determine the implementation Environmental awareness-based nature learning module in Kindergarten in Tapa District, Bone Bolango Regency. This study shows that the nature learning module based on environmental awareness produces a product in the form of a learning module for early childhood in Kindergarten, Tapa District, Bone Bolango Regency. This module has been suitable for use by Kindergarten teachers as a learning resource in providing the learning process because it has gone through expert validation tests, respectively by early childhood education experts, Indonesian language experts and learning media design experts as well as product trials conducted by kindergarten teachers. However, this product still requires further development in order to be mass-produced.


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How to Cite

Mitra Nursita Jusuf, Wenny Hulukati, Asni Ilham, & Abdul Rahmat. (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL LEARNING MODULE BASED ON ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS IN TK IN TAPA BONE BOLANGO DISTRICT. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 3(4), 138-144. Retrieved from




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