Teaching Materials, Trigonometric Rati, PercentageAbstract
This study aims to determine (1) the validity of mathematics teaching materials developed with the ADDIE model in terms of student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 Tilamuta, (2) the effectiveness of mathematics teaching materials developed with the model in terms of student learning outcomes at Public Senior High School 1 Tilamuta, (3) students' perceptions of the implementation of mathematics learning by using teaching materials that have been developed with the ADDIE model. This research is a development research using the ADDIE development model. In this study, 5 development steps were carried out, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The products produced in this research are teaching materials. The resulting teaching materials are then validated by material and language experts, design experts and students. The results showed that the developed mathematics teaching materials were declared valid based on the results of the validity test on the aspect of the content of the module. In general, the percentage of validity was 84.76% with the criteria of Very Valid, the systematic aspect of the content of the module, the percentage value of the validity was 79.22% and the criteria were valid. In terms of content coverage, the percentage level of validity is 83.33% with very valid criteria and in the contextual approach aspect, the validity level is only 75% but still in the valid category. For the language aspect, the percentage of validity is 84.17% with very valid criteria, the aspect of delivering module content in general has a percentage of 79.26% and is stated with valid criteria, module content design has a percentage of 82.50% with very valid criteria, while for The typeface, font size and illustrations in this teaching material have a percentage of 80% validity and the criteria are included in the valid category. The effectiveness of mathematics teaching materials for trigonometric ratio materials that have been developed, obtained based on the learning outcomes tests given to students, obtained the Classical Learning Completeness Percentage value of 78.70. Based on the criteria with references that have been proposed previously, the percentage of classical learning completeness obtains the criteria of "Good". Furthermore, the N-Gain test was carried out to obtain an N-Gain score = 0.73. The N-Gain value is included in the High category. Students' perceptions of mathematics teaching materials for trigonometric ratios obtained a figure of 82.22% for the level of acceptance of students in the very good category.
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