
  • Thamrin Pawalluri


Supporting Factors, Unregistered Marriage, Rural Sociology


The purpose of this study was to analyze the phenomenon of unregistered marriage in rural areas based on a sociological review. This study uses library research to determine the supporting factors that encourage unregistered marriages in rural areas. With a library research approach using 7 journals related to unregistered marriages in rural areas. The results of this study indicate that there are several factors driving the occurrence of unregistered marriages in rural areas, including: (1) avoiding adultery and pregnant couples out of wedlock, (2) avoiding administrative costs and procedures. , (3) understanding of rural communities that unregistered marriage is not much different from official marriage, (4) economic conditions, (5) socio-cultural factors, (6) educational factors, (7) religion, (8) law enforcement factors


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How to Cite

Thamrin Pawalluri. (2022). FACTORS SUPPORTING SIRI MARRIAGE IN RURAL SOCIOLOGY REVIEW. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 3(8), 105-110. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejhea/article/view/2552


