mathematics, outcomes, quality, analysisAbstract
The purpose of this study was to find: (1) the positive direct effect of the quality of learning on mathematics learning outcomes, (2) the positive direct effect of the quality of learning on learning motivation. This research was conducted at State High 1 Gorontalo and State High 3 Gorontalo. Respondents amounted to 200 people determined by simple random sampling technique. This research is a quantitative research using path analysis technique to see the influence between variables. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that: (1) there is a positive direct effect on the quality of learning on mathematics learning outcomes, (2) there is a direct positive influence on the quality of learning on learning motivation. The results of the study for mathematics learning outcomes in this study were collected based on the results of the even semester exam through a multiple-choice test with a total of 30 questions. Based on the results of the answers from 200 respondents and using the Microsoft Excel for Windows 10 program, a maximum score of 87 and a minimum score of 43 was obtained so that a score range of 44, the number of class intervals was 9 and the length of class 4. The quality of learning in this study was captured through a distribution of questionnaires consisting of 32 statements. Based on the results of the answers from 200 respondents and using the Microsoft Excel for Windows 10 program, a maximum score of 88 and a minimum score of 35 were obtained so that a score range of 53 was obtained, the number of class intervals was 9 and the length of class 6.
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