Management, Kyai, Quality Tahfiz, schoolAbstract
The focus of this research is to describe fundamentally and find the management concept of tahfiz program management in improving the quality of memorization, which exist in three Islamic boarding schools, namely the Al-Mubarak Islamic Boarding School in Jambi City, the Jauharul Falah Al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School Muaro Jambi and the Bustanul 'Ulum Tanjung Islamic Boarding School. East Jabung, as a representative of Islamic Boarding Schools in Jambi Province". This study aims: (a) Want to get information and data on the management of the Tahfiz Islamic Boarding School Al-Mubarak Islamic Boarding School Jambi City, Jauharul Falah AlIslami Islamic Boarding School Muaro Jambi and Pondok Pesantren Bustanul 'Ulum Tanjung Jabung Timur (b) Want to know the strategy and quality of memorization which is projected to improve the quality of Tahfiz Al-Qur'an at the Al-Mubarak Islamic Boarding School in Jambi City, the Jauharul Falah AlIslamy Islamic Boarding School in Muaro Jambi and the Bustanul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Tanjung Jabung Timur. (c) Want to know the role of the kiai's leadership in improving the quality of memorization at the AlMubarak Islamic Boarding School in Jambi City, the Jauharul Falah Al-Islami Islamic Boarding School in Muaro Jambi and the Bustanul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Tanjung Jabung Timur. The descriptive-analytical approach in this study takes three phases, namely: theory exposure, description of facts in the field, analysis of the suitability between theory and practice. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model and the data validity technique used data triangulation. The results of the study found that the management of tahfiz activities, from planning, organizing, implementing to supervising went naturally, with a little touch of modern management, this is the factual planning, organizing, management and supervision documents that are easy to access, the kiai's strategy in improving the quality of tahfiz with the motivation and example of the kiai acts as a role model in tahfiz activities and continues to carry out supervision, guidance and assessment as well as periodically and spontaneously in his capacity as the leader of the boarding school as a teacher in tahfiz development.
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