Managerial Competence, Educational Services, implementation, economicsAbstract
The success of education and learning in the Ministry of Religion is strongly influenced by the competence of the head of the Ministry of Religion in managing every component of the ministry (who is behind the school).The competence of the head of the Ministry of Religion is mainly related to his knowledge and understanding of management and leadership as well as the duties assigned to him.Educational services in the Ministry of Religion havesome indicators as the process of mobilizing and integrating everything, such as personnel, spiritual and material which related to the achievement of organizational goals.There are some educational service indicators for the head of the Ministry of Religion such as effective, efficient, simple, clear and certainty, open, responsive, and adaptive. Further,the purpose of educational services that need to be guided by the Ministry of Religion is to prevent defections and build customer loyalty. The main reason forcustomer defection is caused by errors in service delivery or the system used by the company/organization in serving the customers. Therefore, the principle of educational services for the Ministry of Religion should have humane service, prioritizes hospitality, smiles, and gentleness of fellow human beings. First; the implementation of madrasah education administration services at the Head Section of Madrasah inthe regional office of The Ministry of Religion of Jambi City can be done throughstructuring the management system and providing institutional guidance that creates conducive and quality services.Second; organizing the general administration staff placement plan is indeed the policy of the head of the office by utilizing the existing administrative staff even though it is not in accordance with the scientific qualifications and different educational backgrounds, (not administrative staff with expertise/bachelor of economics, management or accounting). Third; the implementation of administration has become the most highlighted activity in the Regional Office of The Ministry of Religion of Jambi City.It is because, the organization that manages Madrasah education has administrative staff in assisting the primary needs of schools under its service unitso that it is expected to facilitate and assist the activities of the head of Madrasah.These activities include: collecting, recording, processing, duplicating, sending, and storing.Fourth; The Head of Madrasah conducts annual supervision which is arranged with the scope of supervision activities on the implementation of school staff within a year. This research uses a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Further, data collection was collected by observation, interview, and documentation. In terms of determining the research subjects, this research using snowballsampling techniques. Moreover, data analysis is carried out during data collection takes place, and after completion of data collection within a certain period. Finally, the researcher did data reduction techniques, data presentation, data verification, and conclusion drawing.
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