Bullying, Discrimination, Inclusive, StudentsAbstract
This study investigated the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in secondary school to develop a positive and inclusive environment inside the classroom. A qualitative phenomenological study was employed to explore the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ students (n=11) via semi-structured interviews to guide the selection and coding to identify emerging themes. Thematic analysis revealed four themes from the lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ students, namely: (a) impact of discrimination and bullying in studies, (b) support, respect, and acceptance; (c) creation of LGBTQ+ students’ bodies; and (d) inclusivity of LGBTQ+ students in the curriculum. It was recommended that schools provide a positive and inclusive environment inside the classroom and implement an LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum to create gender equality. An inclusive curriculum will create a safe and positive classroom climate for LGBTQ+ students.
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