Leadership Style, Organizational Communication, Work Commitment, Organizational EffectivenessAbstract
This study aims to examine the Influence of Leadership Style, Organizational Communication and Work Commitment on Organizational Effectiveness in Private Madrasah Aliyah Jambi Province. This study uses a quantitative research approach. Based on the problems and objectives, the method used in this study is a causal relationship survey method, which will examine the pattern of direct and indirect relationships and influences, between exogenous variables (leadership style X1, organizational communication X2, and work commitment X3), to endogenous variables. (organizational effectiveness X4). Then in the design of survey methods in social research, behaviors, or social phenomena are described quantitatively (numbers). Collecting data in this study using research instruments. Before compiling the instrument, a conceptual definition was made, then it was operationally emphasized to get a score from the variable. The instruments of each variable were arranged in the form of a Likert scale with 5 (five) rating scales. The research instruments were developed starting from synthesized theories, conceptual definitions, operational definitions, to the instrument grid. Before the instrument is implemented, the content validity is assessed first, by asking for responses and views of validators who have experience in the problem. Then the instrument that has been tested is validated to obtain valid instrument items. The results of this study found that: Leadership style has a positive and significant effect on organizational effectiveness. Organizational communication has a positive and significant influence on organizational effectiveness. Leadership style and organizational communication together have a positive and significant effect on organizational effectiveness. Leadership style has a positive and significant effect on work commitment. Organizational communication has a positive and significant influence on work commitment. Leadership style and organizational communication together have a positive and significant influence on work commitment. Work commitment has a positive and significant effect on organizational effectiveness. Leadership style, organizational communication and work commitment together have a positive and significant effect on organizational effectiveness. Leadership style, through work commitment has a positive and significant influence on organizational effectiveness. Organizational communication through work commitment has a positive and significant influence on the organizational effectiveness of Private Madrasah Aliyah in Jambi Province.
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