Interest to learn, Motivation, WomanAbstract
Education is one of the important aspects to increase human resources regardless of gender. Currently in some universities in Tasikmalaya City, students dominate more than students. The high number of women to go to college certainly has its own reasons so that women are able to develop science and can work in accordance with their ideals and help their family economy. The purpose of the study is to find out and analyze the high interest in women's learning in Tasikmalaya City College. This study uses a mix method with a sequential exploratory design. The steps of this research consist of 2 stages, namely the first stage in qualitative research and the second stage in quantitative research. The population of this study were students at the Tasikmalaya City College. The sampling technique used was cluster sampling which focused on State Universities in Tasikmalaya City. Data collection techniques used are interviews, questionnaires and observations. The result of this study is that women continue to higher education because they want to achieve their goals in accordance with the majors chosen to become independent women in order to help their families and husbands in the future. Students have a high motivation to get a sense of security and comfort because they want to be appreciated by their husbands and society that women can be empowered and have achievements. Family support is also one of the determinants of the achievement of students so that they can actualize themselves during college by participating in various activities and have a fairly good achievement index
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