Legal Certainty for Good Faith Third PartiesAbstract
The results obtained from the research, that 1) In the current criminal procedural law, the third party link at the investigation stage is when objects owned or under their control are confiscated by investigators in corruption cases. At the prosecution stage, the confiscated objects are presented as evidence (trial evidence). During the verdict trial, the judge's decision ordered the prosecutor to return evidence to the person or person named in the decision, if the evidence is not related to corruption. 2) The legal rights that can be used by a third party in good faith when their property is confiscated at the investigation stage, presented as evidence at the prosecution stage, or confiscated for the State or destroyed in a decision are: first, conduct a pretrial, second, file an objection letter, third , took civil resistance in accordance with Article 574 BW. 3) In order to provide legal certainty to third parties with good intentions, it is necessary to revise Article 152 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code and Article 19 paragraph (2) of the TPK Law No. 31 of 1999 by requiring the judge to order the prosecutor to summon a third party with good intentions to appear at trial
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