Legal protection, Right Worker, MergersAbstract
Article 61 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Labor Law, states: "Work agreements do not end due to the death of the entrepreneur or the transfer of rights over the company due to sales, inheritance or grants". With regard to legal protection of workers' rights in the event that a company carries out corporate action mergers and acquisitions, it is very clear that in principle the working relationship between employers and employees continues until the employment relationship is terminated without being affected by mergers and acquisitions. The phenomenon that occurs is that the protection of workers' rights in companies carrying out corporate action mergers and acquisitions is still neglected and workers do not get legal certainty when mergers and acquisitions take place. Even though in the case of companies carrying out mergers and acquisitions, protection of workers' rights absolutely must be carried out with the provision that if in the case of mergers and acquisitions, the legal status of the working workers does not automatically end and the workers are willing to continue their working relationship, then their rights are the same and still given. This is the responsibility of the merged company or the acquiring company.
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