Kyai's Innovativeness, The Effectiveness of the Khalafiah, Islamic Boarding SchoolAbstract
This study aims to analyze the innovation of the kiai in realizing the effectiveness of the Khalafiah Islamic Boarding School in Jambi Province. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological approach with 3 (three) research locations (Al Baqiyatush Shalihat Tanjung Jabung Barat Islamic Boarding School, As'ad Islamic Boarding School Jambi City, Modern Madinatul 'Ulum Merangin Islamic Boarding School) in Jambi Province. The results of the study show that first, the innovation of the kiai in realizing the effectiveness of the Khalafiah Islamic Boarding School is not optimal because there are still human resources who do not know the objectives of the pesantren and the lack of training and development of Islamic boarding schools' human resources. Second, there is the kiai's innovativeness that appears in the form of ideas and actions, product and action services, maximizing human resources, clarity of organizational structure and consistency in what kiai pesantren do. Third, the effectiveness of the Khalafiah Pesantren can be seen from the clarity of the objectives of the pesantren, adaptability, participation and work discipline, as well as the use of technology. Fourth, there is planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies carried out by the pesantren kiai as part of the kiai's innovation strategy in realizing the effectiveness of the Khalafiah Islamic Boarding School in Jambi Province
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