
  • Shah Mohammad Omer Faruqe Jubaer
  • Sadia Khan Swarna
  • Anas Siddique


Women empowerment, political empowerment, Social empowerment


Empowerment Refers to the "conscientisation" process, which involves individual developing critical analytical skills in order to acquire self-confidence and take charge of their lives. Because it addresses the structural and underlying reasons of subordination and discrimination, women's empowerment is a critical step in the reform of gender relations. The third Millennium Development Goal on gender equality and women's empowerment is discussed in this article. It delves into the notion of women's empowerment and shows how the indicators linked to this Goal education, employment, and political involvement can help to achieve it in Bangladesh. Because refers to a state of understanding of the disparities in women's and men's roles and relationships, as well as how these differences affect power dynamics, status, privileges, and needs.


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How to Cite

Shah Mohammad Omer Faruqe Jubaer, Sadia Khan Swarna, & Anas Siddique. (2022). THE PRACTICAL POSITIVIST APPROACH OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN BANGLADESH: A FANTASY OR REALITY. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 172-178. Retrieved from




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