Principal Integrity, Quality SchoolAbstract
This study aims to examine the integrity of high school principals at two high schools in South Sumatra Province in order to realize quality schools. in the province of South Sumatra. The purpose of this research is to see to what extent the influence of the principal's integrity on the quality of schools in senior high schools in South Sumatra Province This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with the technique of determining the object of research in a purposive manner. The subject of the study was the principal of a SMAN in South Sumatra Province as a key informant. Meanwhile, vice principals, teachers, employees, students, alumni, and alumni parents are supporting informants. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique uses a flowing data analysis model, which includes: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results of this study found that: First, the Principal's Reality of Integrity is quite good, both in the principal's physical dimensions, the principal's mental and spiritual dimensions as well as the principal's social dimensions. Second, the factors supporting the principal's integrity have more influence than the inhibiting factors they have. Third, the impact of the principal's integrity on the quality of the South Sumatra Province Senior High School is very good because the principal's integrity can generate trust and loyalty for teachers and employees towards the principal so that it has an impact on the realization of quality in the South Sumatra Province Senior High School. Fourth, the principal's integrity model in realizing the school quality departs from the input of the principal's acceptance in accordance with the academic qualifications (S2) of other selection series, in the process the leadership of the principal in these two schools is considered to have good integrity in their leadership, seen from the dimensions of integrity possessed by the principal so as to generate trust and loyalty for teachers and employees to the principal so that it has an impact on the realization of quality in schools. The outputs and outcomes produce quality schools such as teachers and students who excel, and quality school graduates.
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