WTO, Uzbekistan, economics, international relationsAbstract
The nature of this research article is to review the existing literature on the nexus of the trade reforms and economic effects of Uzbekistan’s WTO membership. The author commenced by searching for key articles on the economic impact of WTO accession via the JSTOR digital library, ScienceDirect, BASE Library Catalogue, and Google Scholar. The author also specifically searched for World Bank and WTO documents on this topic. In his search, the author has excluded a large number of articles focusing exclusively on China or Russia in order to avoid distorting the conclusions based on the unique experience of these countries. Since the WTO has existed only since 1995, all the literature on WTO accession appeared relatively recently, and the scope of the author's interests was naturally limited to the period from 2002 to 2017. When the author began to read and analyse these works, the author identified references to specific articles or books that seemed relevant to the research topic and also searched for those works. The author focuses on econometric models, which, whenever possible, draw conclusions based on historical data.
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