
  • Aurora Jillena Meliala Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Anis Rifai Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Universitas AL-Azhar Indonesia
  • Jonathan Andre Woods Undergraduate Student Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta


Future of economic regulation, Economic development and growth, Co-Ownership, Co-responsibility


This paper is intended to expand the dialectical pulpit which so far has only been limited to pro-investment arguments and contra narratives on the position of the Omnibus Law in a formal legalistic manner. Even though the rebuttal argument contains truth, it has not been able to solve the core problem that is the urgency of the Omnibus which maintains economic interests. In this paper, how economic legal theory actually formulates prescriptions for effective regulatory criteria for economic development and growth will be discussed and expounded. This is important considering that the dominance of capital accumulation becomes its own nuance in the formulation of the Omnibus Law. Such an idea is essentially beyond the constitution that mandates that the economy must be based on people’s empowerment.


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Lawrence M. Friedman, On Legal Development , Stanford University, 1969, p. 24.

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Structuralism in economics is an understanding that rejects structural inequalities as a source of socio-economic injustice. Therefore, the notion of structuralism which is based on "people's sovereignty" should not be dominated by the idea of market sovereignty". Specifically in the meaning of Articles 27 (2) and 34, it is mandated that the people in a participatory and emancipatory manner have the opportunity to be active in economic activities. Thus, national development plans must be able to uncover and investigate structural inequalities and then overcome them through a people-friendly development approach. It must be based on a people-centered environment while, at the same time, strengthening NKR's economic cohesion, Thus at the end, not only pursuing a competitive index and foreign investment flows.




How to Cite

Aurora Jillena Meliala, Anis Rifai, & Jonathan Andre Woods. (2022). REVIEWING THE OMNIBUS CONCEPT IN THE CONTEXT OF ECONOMIC LAW. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 3(3), 24-28. Retrieved from


