Parental anxiety, parental perceptions, reopening school in pandemicsAbstract
As the pandemic slows, Indonesian Government has issued a policy about reopening school from last August 2021. A decision that has a big impact on education. A meaningful decision after two years of struggling with the COVID19 pandemic. Despites, there's still a big question and doubt “is it safe to go back to school while the pandemic exists? Our Research focused on exploring the impact of facing the re-opening school to parental perception and anxiety. We use Parental Perception Survey (PPS) for identified Parental perception and Parental Anxiety Assessment (PAA) to measure Parental anxieties. Our respondents are 326 parents. Results of this study describe reopening school during pandemic covid 19 has impact perception and anxiety at parents. Conclusions will be able to consider the continuous policy and take solutions for any problems occurring in reopening school in Indonesia. Impact of research
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