Paremology, proverb, parable, wisdomAbstract
In the article, the paremic genres of proverbs, sayings, parables, proverbs, which are found in historical and prose works, are analyzed. Issues such as migration of folklore genres to written literature, changes in it, improvement of genres have been studied. The visual and artistic characteristics of paremias found in Mirzo Ulugbek’s “History of the four nations’’( Ulusi arbai Chingiziy) and Abulgoziy Bakhodirkhon’s “Shajarai Turk’’ works are written. The fact that the authors of the work skilfully used folk tales and wise words is scientifically substantiated. It has been proven that folk tales are related to the activities of historical figures, and proverbs are spoken in the language of historical heroes. The teachings feature of paremias in the nature of instruction and advice, educational importance is revealed. Genres of paremic type are characterized by the predominance of intellectual knowledge and the fact that they arise on the basis of the long-life experience of the people. In the article, a reaction to the researches on the subject was expressed and comperative analyses were carried out.
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Marguba Abdullayeva Dusmiratovna. PARAMEMIC GENRES IN “SHAJARAYI TURK”. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research. Year: 2022, Volume: 11, Issue: 11. First page: (320) Last page: (328) Online ISSN: 2278-4853. Article DOI: 10.5958/2278-4853.2022.00342.1
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