Classroom Management Practices, Chi-square, descriptive survey method, Cebu CityAbstract
This study intends to determine the classroom management practices among grade school teachers in selected schools in the division of Cebu City with an end view of proposing recommendations to address the phenomenon.This study will make use of the descriptive-survey method of research. Descriptive study for it describes the participants who take part in the research process. It collects the necessary information that will demonstrate relationships of the respondent profile and classroom management practices. The researcher in the survey research selects the teacher as respondents and administers a standardized questionnaire.Maximizing structure and predictability in the classroom got the highest mean score while Using a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior obtained the lowest mean score. Among the five variables of the respondents’ profile, only the teachers’ highest educational attainment has a significant relationship to their motivation. It is then expedient to say that teacher’s educational attainment has a significant degree of relation to motivation. Only sex has a significant relationship to the classroom management practices. The results led to the rejection of the null hypothesis. It can then be said that the sex profile of the teacher respondents has a significant degree of relationship to that of their classroom management practices
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