performance, completion, attitudeAbstract
The study, focused on teacher transfer and teacher performance in Public Primary Schools in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District and it was guided by the following objectives; to determine the level of teacher transfer, to determine the level of teacher performance and to establish the relationship between teacher transfer and teacher performance in Public primary schools in Kira MunicipalityWakiso District. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches using both descriptive and cross-sectional survey designs. The coding of the quantitative data from the questionnaires was done. Table 2 shows high level of voluntary transfers in government aided primary schools at a mean of 3.60 with a standard deviation of 1.23. Routine transfer is high at a mean of 3.75 and standard deviation of 1.17. The sub mean of forced transfer is moderate at 3.17 with a standard deviation 1.19. Results in table 3 also indicate that due to teacher transfer there is high level of teacher performance at a grand mean of 3.60 with a standard deviation of 1.19. According to Pearson’s correlation results in Table 4, teacher transfer is statistically significantly correlated with teacher performance in public primary schools in Kira Municipality Wakiso District at r = .660, p = .000 < 0.05. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education and sports should sensitize teachers about the advantages of teacher transfers. Forced transfers should be avoided since most teachers are negative about it and it negatively affects their performance. Teacher appraisals should be taken seriously as one the most sensitive tools to approve transfers. Voluntary transferred under guanine cause after close assessment, should be respected since they make a teacher to work with positive attitude leading to improved performance of teachers in terms of punctuality, lesson preparation, attendance to duty and completion of coverage
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