behavioral development, adolescent psychosocial, factory worker familiesAbstract
Adolescence is a transitional stage that causes many problems that occur in his life. Developments that occur in him require sufficient attention to avoid juvenile delinquency. This study aims to describe the psychosocial development of adolescents and the efforts of parents in adolescent psychosocial development. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach using the case study method. There were 11 research participants who had the same criteria as the research, namely 4 (four) factory workers, 4 (four) teenagers, 1 (one) village official, and 2 (two) youth groups or peers. The result is that the psychosocial development of adolescents is already at the stage of seeking self-identity by developing self-understanding and identity, developing relationships with parents, developing with peers, and developing morals. Efforts made by parents, especially factory workers, are doing modelling by being a good example and role model, become mentoring so that an emotional relationship is formed between the two that has an impact on openness, honesty and trust, meeting children's needs or organizing, as well as teaching by applying parenting styles that are appropriate to the values in the order of life. The conclusion of this study is that adolescents are already in the stage of searching for their identity with the problems that occur in this development. Parents also play an important role in the psychosocial development of adolescents by making efforts to make children become moral teenagers. Contributions to this research provide understanding and alternative solutions in enhancing adolescent psychosocial development and provide understanding in overcoming problems in the process of psychosocial development.
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