big five actors personality, burnout, neuroticism, extraversionAbstract
Burnout is fatigue that results from work both physically and emotionally which can have an impact on decreasing individual achievement. The prevalence of teachers experiencing burnout globally is 32%. The prevalence in Indonesia who experience prolonged stress is 6.0%. In Jakarta, the intensity of burnout experienced by teachers is 74.6%. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the big five personality factors and the incidence of burnout in the teachers. This study uses a cross-sectional approach and total sampling where the total population is 31 respondents to teachers. Statistical test using Correlation Test. The results of this study indicate the average burnout score is 39.55; a minimum score of 26; the max score is 54; On neuroticism, the average score was 18.90; a minimum score of 10; a maximum score of 28; In extraversion, the average score is 22.55; a minimum score of 17; a maximum score of 28; In openness to experience the average score is 28.48; a minimum score of 24; a maximum score of 35. On agreeableness the average score is 27.55; a minimum score of 23 and; a maximum score of 35. In conscientiousness the average score is 26.29; a minimum score of 17 and; a maximum score of 34. The conclusion of this study there is a relationship between neuroticism and burnout (p = 0.000) correlation of 0.732. There is a negative relationship between extraversion and burnout (p = 0.024), correlation of -0.405. There is no relationship between openness to experience with burnout (p = 0.748) correlation of -0.060. There is no relationship between agreeableness and burnout (p = 0.053), correlation 0.350. There is a negative relationship between conscientiousness and burnout (p = 0.003), correlation of -0.052. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between burnout and neuroticism
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