Working Women,, Rights,, ProblemsAbstract
India has the second population rank in the world; the women’s population is almost equivalent to that of man. India has gained swift growth and development in the past years in many provinces. One of the reasons being gender equity. This is disgraceful considering the important role enacted by women in the socio-economic growth of the country. From ancient to modern period, women’s condition-socially, politically and economically- has not remained similar and it kept shifting with times. India’s Law makers and our founding fathers were very determined to provide equal rights to both women and men in all streams. The Constitution of India is one of the finest equality documents and role model in the world. It provides necessities to secure equality in general and gender equality in particular. Law makers have various articles in the Constitution to safeguard women’s rights by putting them at par with men socially, politically and economically. In India, women have tackled a range of structural and social barriers in fully participating in the Indian economy, which not only hinders their individual agency but also limits India’s ability to continue to modernize. This research paper aims to focus on the contribution made by the working women in India towards the Indian economy and various problems faced by them.
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