Learning Difficulties, Covid-19 Pandemic, StudentsAbstract
The impact of Covid-19 on the world of education has been enormously felt by various parties, especially teachers, school principals, students and parents. With the closure of schools, the government takes steps so that the learning process is not left behind and students continue to receive the right to gain knowledge. Therefore, the government's next decision is that the learning process continues but not face-to-face but online. Many people think that online learning is an ineffective teaching and learning process. This will automatically have an impact on the achievement and motivation of students and some of the obstacles caused by factors of learning difficulties experienced at home and at school in learning and also have an impact on parents returning to additional assignments at home during the Covid19 pandemic. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that describes the factors of student learning difficulties during the Covid-19 pandemic at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Gorontalo City. The population in this study was class XII students who after the calculations obtained the number of research samples was 135 students who were willing to become respondents. Based on the results of the research obtained about the factors of student learning difficulties in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Gorontalo City, it can be concluded that the percentage of each student's learning difficulty factor is for external factors (73% family factors in the medium category, school factors 73% in the middle category). medium, mass media factors 69% moderate category) and the percentage of internal factors (physiological factors 75% moderate category and psychological 70% moderate category)
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