grounded theory, learning pedagogy, Science education, new normalAbstract
This study explored the emerging categories in terms of delivering quality education of Science subject in the new normal setup leading to formulation of a theory based on the findings. It employed grounded theory research. In treating the data, Collazi’s method was utilized to determine emerging themes. These identified themes were further analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, paving the way for the superordinate (SOT) and subordinate (ST) themes, coded and interpreted the responses of 11 participants at Cabanatuan City Schools Division. Individual interview was utilized as the principal mode of data collection.
With the above process, four key themes were culled which were labeled as superordinate themes. These were: focused learning competencies, relevant instructional materials, integration of multimedia and technology and learning competency-based assessment. The superordinate themes were further analyzed and assigned with subordinate themes as follows: for the focused learning competencies, the subordinate themes were compressed competencies through MELC; reduction of learning competencies; significance of learning competencies to learners’ needs and context. For relevant instructional materials, the subordinate themes were adapting the self-learning modules; adherence and utilization of SLM from the National Office, Regional Office and Division office of Department of Education, and contextualization of SLM. As per integration of multimedia and technology, the subordinate themes were choosing appropriate multi-media and technology, and utilization of common social media platforms. As per learning competency-based assessment, the subordinate themes were alignment of assessment strategy to learning competencies and performance and output-based assessment.
Integrative Learning Pedagogy Theory in Teaching Science was crafted highlighting the superordinate and subordinate themes as its core principles. Hence, these key concepts were taken as conglomeration and encompassing theory pertinent to teaching learning process.
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