covid-19 representation, children, children’s cyber literatureAbstract
Since the Covid-19 Pandemic coming, children's literacy has been carried out through digital media. Children’s cyber literature takes the opportunity as a way of delivering education about Covid-19. This paper is based on the assumption that Covid-19 is presented specifically in Children’s cyber literature. However, we haven’t kknow the form and meaning of representation yet. The content of critical thinking focused on Foucault 's theory is therefore relevant to unpacking problems within the literature. This theory builds on these hypotheses to unveil how children's stories are made with intelligence. The results show that Covid19 representated as happiness for children and suffering for adults, discipline, silence outside the home, death, worry, all online based, panic buying, lockdown, and compliance. These representations produce the meaning that there is an awareness of adult power and creates child cognition.
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