Analysis discriminant, social media, facebookAbstract
The purpose of this study is a). Knowing significant differences between active students using social media and those who are not active using social media in the UINSU faculty of science and technology, b). Knowing the variables that distinguish between the behavior of students who are active and those who are not active in using social media, c). Knowing the two-factor discriminant model in the case, d). Knowing the test of the accuracy of the model (function) discriminant. This research was carried out in the UINSU faculty of science and technology. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The population in this research were all UINSU faculty of science and technology students totaling 1800 people with a sample of 100 students from study programs. Data collection is giving questionnaires to students, where before the questionnaire is given it must be tested for validity and reliability of the instrument. The data collected in this study were analyzed by discriminant analysis. This grouping is mutually exclucive, in the sense that if object A is in group 1, then it is not possible to be a member of group 2. The analysis can then be developed on which variables make group 1 different from group 2, what percentage goes into the group 1 and what percentage enter group 2. Because there are a number of independent variables, there will be one dependent variable, the characteristic of discriminant analysis is the type of data from the dependent variable of nominal type. To facilitate the calculation process, a tool is used using SPSS. The results of this research are the differrences in students who use social media actively with those who are not active using social media are very significant.
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