Local Wisdom, Chacarter Education, educationAbstract
Era of disruption is a phenomenon when people shift activities that were originally carried out in the real world, to the virtual world. Therefore the function of educators shifts to teach ethical values, culture, character, wisdom, experience and social empathy because those values that cannot be taught by the character education machine are carried out in order to achieve the goals of national education, namely to develop the potential of students so that being a human being who believes and is obedient to God Almighty, has a noble character, is healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and becomes a democratic and responsible citizen with local wisdom here are all forms of knowledge, belief, understanding or insight as well as customs habits or ethics that guide human behavior in life to act and behave towards something, object, or event that occurs in a certain space, so the problem is what is the local wisdom in character education and how local wisdom is character education for the generation of the era of disruption, (1) data provision , (2) analyzing data and (3) analyzing the results of data analysis with the subject of Arabic language education students taking cultural introduction subject courses with a population of 25 students.
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