Community empowerment, Building Fire Safety Management, Environmental Fire Safety System, CompetenceAbstract
The high frequency of fires and the magnitude of losses indicate that Jakarta is still prone to fires so that it is still a problem for the city of Jakarta. Although it is increasingly complex and difficult because it is still facing various obstacles, fire prevention efforts must still be carried out to reduce the risks posed. Effective fire prevention requires the support of adequate human resource competencies for the realization of community safety. The purpose of this paper is to determine and analyze the competence of human resources, both as members of the SKKL, as members of MKKG and as members of firefighters, considering that human resource competence is the main factor affecting public safety in the event of a fire. The method used is descriptiveexplanative with a qualitative approach. Data were obtained through literature review, observation and interviews. The results showed that: (1) of the 291 SKKL formed, there were 233 or about 80% inactive; (2) of the 993 buildings inspected, there were 733 or 73.8% that met the fire safety requirements, and 260 or 26.2% did not meet the fire safety requirements; (3) of the 307 Incident Commander respondents, there are 278 people or 90.8% who have adequate professionalism competence, and there are still 29 people (8.2%) whose it is not sufficient. The results of this study indicate that the competence of human resources is not adequate because the education on fire prevention carried out by SKKL, MKKG and Jakarta Fire Service have not been maximized. This condition can affect public safety in the event of a fire in Jakarta. Increasing individual competence in fire prevention can be done through: community empowerment/revitalizing SKKL activities, optimizing MKKG monitoring and evaluation, and intensifying education and training. In addition, it is necessary to support the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as overcome various obstacles faced in order to ensure public safety.
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