
  • Zumiyati S. Ibrahim IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


Barriers to Legal Discovery, Religious Court Judges, dominates


This research was conducted by examining the decision of the Gorontalo Religious High Court in an effort to find out the obstacles faced by the Religious High Court judges in their efforts to find the law. This research is a normative research, which is descriptive analytical in nature which examines legal findings made by judges and analyzed based on the system of norms in the laws and regulations and their application which is described based on variables related to the focus to be studied. The results of the study show that the obstacles faced in the legal discovery activities of judges are in the form of legal structure factors related to the composition of the Judiciary and the judicial duties of the Court which is the first and main task of the court, the legal substance factor can be seen from the use of legal sources in deciding cases and other factors. the legal culture is that legal positivism still dominates the way of thinking of judges in court so that it affects the legal discovery efforts made by judges


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How to Cite

Zumiyati S. Ibrahim. (2021). OBSTACLES TO LEGAL DISCOVERY RELIGIOUS JUDGE. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 2(12), 117-121. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejhea/article/view/1621


