Examine, The Dignity Of Education, Indonesia, Industry 4.0Abstract
This paper aims to explain (1) the dignity of Indonesian education in terms of the system, (2) the dignity of Indonesian education based on competition and performance allowances, and (3) the dignity of Indonesian education based on learning resources and media. The method employed is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used are documentation, observation, and interviews. The results show that first, the quality of education in Indonesia based on the system is (1) ranked 69th out of 127 countries in 2008, (2) grades oriented, (3) open, (4) informal, non-formal, and formal, (5 ) based on Pancasila, (6) focusing on (i) cultural and language education, (ii) vocational, (iii) independent campuses, (iv) improving curriculum quality, (v) digitizing schools, (vi) increasing education funding, and (viii) improving the quality of teaching staff, (7) implementing 9-12 year compulsory education, (8) organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Religion, (9) having a curriculum prepared by experienced experts, (10) having a theoretical curriculum, (11) has a diverse education system, (12) uses a zoning system in admitting new students, and (13) the learning is still material-oriented. Second, the quality of Indonesian education based on workload and performance allowances shows (1) teachers are charged with 24-40 hours of lessons while lecturers are 12-16 credits, and (2) the workload and performance allowances of educators are not balanced. Third, the dignity of Indonesian education based on learning resources and media is quite adequate but has the opportunity to plunge generations Y, Z, and Alpha. The types of print media used are books, magazines, and newspapers, while the digital media used are cellphones, laptops, television, Instagram, telegram, google meetings, WhatsApp groups, and Facebook
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