eSAP-RP, implementation review, 5M, modelMAbstract
The review of the implementation of eSAP-RP within the Health PPSDM Agency aims to analyze the factors that support and hinder the acceleration of the implementation of eSAP-RP by Widyaiswara within the Health PPSDM Agency. Most of the Widyaiswara have not prepared the SAP/learning plan (RP) due to time constraints or other busy tasks, and some of the Widyaiswaras (22%) stated that there was no obligation to prepare RP. eSAP-RP is an electronic tool that makes it easy for Widyaiswara to compile SAP/RP, is a learning innovation that is implemented and reviewed for the sustainability of its use and utilization. The implementation of eSAP-RP was carried out on 20 Widyasiwara within the Health PPSDM Agency, using the Quasi-Experimental Research method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The eSAP-RP implementation review is carried out using the 5M Model management element, consisting of 5 factors, namely: man, money, material, machine, method . 5M is used to analyze the factors that support and hinder the use and utilization of eSAP-RP by Widyaiswara equipped with problem solving. Then the priority of problem solving using the Reinke method is determined, with a score of 1-5 based on four criteria: M ( Magnitude of the problem) which is the magnitude of the problem, I (Importancy) which is the severity of the problem, V (Vulnerability) which is sensitive or not solving the problem, C (Cost) ie costs. The alternative problem solving found in 5M was re-analyzed using Mc. Namara to get alternative problem solving activities based on 3 criteria, which include the principles of effectiveness (contribution and feasibility), and efficiency (cost), with a score of 1-3. This is in line with the theory that in the implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation activities or impact assessments must be carried out on the innovations that have been carried out. The sequence of problem-solving activities in accelerating the implementation of eSAP-RP is a recommendation for the Health PPSDM Agency, namely: 1) Initiating regulations for implementing the SAP-RP assessment into SKP, by providing different values when SAP/RP is created manually and made into eSAP -RP. 2) Application of reward and punishment to Widyaiswara in learning planning. 3) The policy proposal, Widyaiswara compiles SAP/RP through eSAP-RP, is included in one of the accreditation elements in the teaching staff component. 4) Provision of bandwidth capacity in accordance with the operational needs of all components of internet users including Widyaiswara. 5) The eSAP-RP format is updated to be effective. Success story BBPK Jakarta needs policy support in the widespread use of eSAP-RP for Widyaiswara within the PPSDM Health Agency and the Indonesian Widyaiswara Professional Association.
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