
  • Tina Purnamawati Widyaiswara Ahli Madya Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan


Effective, Distance learning, Supervisor Leadership Training


This paper is based on distance learning implementation applied to the 2020 Supervisory Leadership Training in the Regional Human Resources Development Agency of South Kalimantan Province. Distance learning is one considered alternative that is appropriate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic makes face-to-face training impossible. The study results showed the effectiveness in the aspects of participation and evaluation of the participants' graduation. On the other hand, it was ineffective in the aspects of learning process and learning products. Distance learning process faced constraints in terms of participation. Many participants are incapable to join online training or even to operate a computer. Participants’ geographical location also makes distance learning very difficult. The online training was facilitated by zoom application which has too many too many participants. It caused small chance for participants to have discussion in question-and-answer session. From the evidence, many female participants that join the training from home are less enthusiastic to be more active in the distance learning. From the aspect of Learning Process, the internet connection is often unstable, especially during the day. Problems such as small voices, distortion, uncontrolled discussion, in the online class appeared frequently. Moreover, it was also hard to collect assignments. Participants and Widyaiswara/trainer who were unfamiliar with online training must always be supported by the IT team. In the aspect of Learning Products, coaches and participants were difficult to understand due to limited information. The information provided by the coach was incomplete, and some questions from participants were not answered. Participants did not feel free to talk to their coach and other participants' when they have questions. Reports from participants’ field study and action project were difficult to collect. From the aspect of Participant Evaluation, it is hard to assess training participants' attitude or behavior. In order to overcome obstacles in distance learning, the study suggests to create a systematic, structured and flexible training schedule that can be accessed online such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), to provide a reliable Learning Management System (LMS), to establish Assistance Team to help widyaiswara/trainer when conducting online class, and to create reading corner both online and offline for Participants and Widyaiswara to find training material easily


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How to Cite

Tina Purnamawati. (2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN LEADERSHIP TRAINING OF SUPERVISORS IN HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN SOUTH KALIMANTAN PROVINCE. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 2(10), 71-79. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejhea/article/view/1300


