teacher comptence, learning activities, SEBARIN programAbstract
This research was conducted to train teachers to become Indonesian educators in the school environment to produce a generation with good character through the SEBARIN program. This study used a descriptive qualitative method to describe the results of the implementation of the SEBARIN program at SDN 2 Suwawa, Bone Bolango Regency. In the implementation of the program used the Kirkpatrick model with 4 stages. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there is a significant change by teachers in the habit of using regional languages or slang to be dominant using Indonesian with percentage change from 90% to 20% and become good fluency in Indonesian in learning activities with a percentage change from 30% to 80 %. In addition, from the results of the questionnaire filled out by high grade students, it was concluded that the use of good Indonesian by teachers in learning activities and administrative services. Thus, the implementation of the SEBARIN program at SDN 2 Suwawa was declared successful.
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