Legal Protection, Labor Rights, Business LegalAbstract
During normal conditions and the company is operating well, the interests and rights of workers can be accommodated by the company, but when the company is hit by a crisis and or financial problems that lead to bankruptcy, often the rights of workers cannot be accommodated again by the company. The working relationship between employers and workers occurs based on a work agreement, because there are elements of work, elements of wages and elements of orders. The employment relationship will end due to a certain matter which results in the termination of the rights and obligations between the worker and the entrepreneur. The termination of the employment relationship due to the fact that the company/entrepreneur is declared bankrupt or liquidated based on the applicable laws and regulations, wages owed and other rights of workers are debts whose payment takes precedence as stipulated in the labor regulations. Payment of workers' wages in arrears takes precedence over claims from separatist creditors (banks), labor claims for other wages, state bills for taxes, and other concurrent creditors' claims . Legal protection of labor rights in relation to bankruptcy will be realized , supported by the role of from k curator to avoid existence collision interest with debtor or creditor
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