Public Policy, gender, women's politicsAbstract
Fulfillment of the 30% figure in the management of political parties is inversely proportional to the fulfillment of the quota of women sitting in the DPR RI. The target to be achieved, which is 30% for women in the DPR RI, has not been fulfilled even though it always increases in each period. In the 1999- 2004 period , the number of women in the DPR RI only reached 9.0%, in the 2004-2009 period , the number of women in the DPR RI only reached 18.8%, and in the 2009-2014 period , the number of women in the DPR RI reached 18%. The representation of women in parliament in the 2009-2014 period in the DPR RI was 103 members out of 560 members (18%), in the provincial DPRD there were 321 members from 2005 members (16%), and in the district/city DPRD there were 1,857 out of 15,758 members. (12%). The inclusion of 30% in several laws governing women 's representation is still a debate whether the inclusion of the 30% figure has violated the human rights of women which are constitutionally guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution, that every citizen has the right to have equal opportunities in government. On the other hand, the question arises why only 30% is regulated in the law , why not more than that. Then the inclusion of the figure of 30% women's representation in the law makes political parties that want to recruit women in their political parties, only recruit 30 % of women's representation and will not be more than that amount, so that women continue to be discriminated against in the political field.
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