Journal of Research Development and Sustainability2025-02-15T14:13:44+00:00E.A Houdaeditor1@scholarzest.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)</strong> is a Multidisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal which covers the various areas of research and sustainable Development. This journal is monthly published online. </p> <p><strong>ISSN (E): </strong>2660-5570</p> <p><strong>Journal Impact Factor:</strong> 7.455 <a href=""><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 8.077</a></p> ROLE OF TELEVISION DRAMA IN FORMING THE MENTAL IMAGE OF THE NEGATIVE PERSONALITY OF IRAQI YOUTH2025-02-15T14:13:44+00:00Mohamed Adnan Hussein<p>This research aimed to identify the role of television drama in the formation of the mental image of the negative personality of Iraqi youth and the researcher took a sample of his students of the College of Fine Arts as they represent a conscious and organized segment and adopted the descriptive approach and prepared a questionnaire form was distributed to the sample members and reached a number of results, the most important of which are : 1- There is a convergence in the public's preference for the character of the hero and the negative character. 2-Digital effects play an important role in clarifying the nature of the actions and behavior of characters and their intellectual guidance . 3-The style of directing and the nature of the dramatic events play an important role in the audience's follow-up to this type of film . 4-Most of the sample members prefer a negative personality that is characterized by adventure, courage and intelligence . 5- Most of the sample members prefer to watch this type of drama because it calls for combating crime and their desire for entertainment. 6-A large percentage of the sample members admire the negative acts of personality that defend the clan or sect or that are looking for money . 7-A large percentage of the sample prefers the behavior of the negative personality in its dealings with others, as well as in the clothes and affection of the personality The research was concluded with conclusions and recommendations</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025