Journal of Research Development and Sustainability2025-01-18T13:46:42+00:00E.A Houdaeditor1@scholarzest.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)</strong> is a Multidisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal which covers the various areas of research and sustainable Development. This journal is monthly published online. </p> <p><strong>ISSN (E): </strong>2660-5570</p> <p><strong>Journal Impact Factor:</strong> 7.455 <a href=""><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 8.077</a></p> NLP TOOL FOR LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF UZBEK LANGUAGES2025-01-18T13:46:42+00:00Ass. professor Marhamat Haydarova YunusovnaMarhamat@gmail.comAssistant Guzal Shikhnazarova<p>Automatic processing of unstructured texts in natural languages is one of the urgent problems of computer analysis and synthesis of texts. It is possible to separately highlight the task of text normalization, usually implying the implementation of such processes as tokenization , stemming and lemmatization . Existing stemming algorithms are mostly focused on synthetic languages, in which form formation using morphemes prevails. The Uzbek language is an example of an agglutinative language, characterized by polysemantic affixal and service morphemes. Although the Uzbek language has many differences, for example, from the English language, nevertheless, it can be successfully processed by stemming algorithms.</p>2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ass. professor Marhamat Haydarova Yunusovna, Assistant Guzal Shikhnazarova Alisherovna