narcotics, law, healthAbstract
Based on Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, Narcotics, on the one hand, are useful drugs or substances in the field of treatment or health services and scientific development and on the other hand, can also cause dependence which is very detrimental if it is misused or used without proper control and supervision. watch dani carefully. In order to prevent and eradicate the abuse and illicit traffic of narcotics, which seriously harms and endangers the lives of the people, nation, and state, the General Session of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia in 2002i through MPRI Decree Number VI/MPR/2002i has recommended to the Representative Council The people and the President of the Republic of Indonesia to make amendments to Law No. 22 Tahun 1997i concerning Narcotics. Narcotics crime acts are no longer carried out individually, but involve many people who work together, even if it is a syndicate that is organized with an extensive network that works carefully and is very confidential at both the national and international levels. Efforts to prevent and eradicate narcotics crimes need to be updated to Law No. 22 Tahun 1997 concerning Narcotics.
Budiarti, Reporting on the Study on Narcotics Crime Handling and Law Enforcement, Jakarta: BPHN Department of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, 1993
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Romlii Atmasasmita,International Criminal Law,i Bandung:Citrai Adityai Bhakti,i 1998
Santrawani T.Papparang, Legal Protection Against Narcotics, Prescursors, Indonesia, Jakarta: Jayabaya, 201i
Soedjono, Enforcement of Criminal Law, Bandung: Citrai Adityai Bakti, 1998
Indonesia, Law Number 5i Year 1997i concerning Psychotropics.
Indonesia, Law Number 35i Year 2009i concerning Narcotics.
Indonesia, Law Number 46i Year 2009i concerning Health
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