Editorial Team
Dr. E.A Houda
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability
Calle Nelly, 4, 35240 Carrizal de Ingenio, Las Palmas, Spain
Editor In-Chief
Rahul Reddy Nadikattu
Department of information Technology, University of the Cumberlands, U.S.
Associate Editor
Dr. Leonilo B. Capulso
Faculty, Department of Education, Division of Pampanga, Philippines
Member Editorial Board
Dr.Yuri Alexandrovich Nikitin
Associate Professor, Sumy Regional Institute Postgraduate Teacher Education, Ukraine
Member Editorial Board
Dr. Shaminder Singh
Associate Professor in CSE Department at Gulzar Group of Institutes, Khanna, Punjab, India
Member Editorial Board
Dr. Victor Sohmen
Professor, Department of Management, Leadership Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Editorial Board Members
Tojiboeva Muqaddas Abdurahimovna,
Head Department of "Uzbek language and literature" of Andijan State University named after Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, Doctor of Sciences Philology, Associate Professor
Editorial Board Members
Tashmatov Shuhrat Khamrayevich,
Professor, "Fundamental Economics" department, “Economics” faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Kabulova Umida Saidmahammadovna,
Department of "Uzbek language and literature" of Andijan State University named after Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, Doctor of Philosophy Philology, Associate Professor
Mahmudov Mirabbos Fazliddinovich
Deputy Director for General Affairs of the Research Center "Scientific Basis and Problems of Economic Development of Uzbekistan" at the Tashkent State University of Economics. Chilanzar district, Street Cho’pon ota 2A, 47-apartment Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Dr. Ahmed A. Elngar
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Department, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
Alikulov Azamat Tuigunovich
Associate professor, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Department of Finance, Uzbekistan
Rashidov Mels Karimovich
Ph.D. , Senior teacher, Navoi State Mining Institute, Department of Economics and Management
Khalikov Abdulhak Abdulkhairovich
Professor Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Rakhmonov Farkhod Normurodovich
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Mechanics, Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
Karshibaev Askarbek Ilashevich
Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Mechanics, Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
Abduazizov Nabijon Azamatovich
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
Kasimov Adham Lutfullayevich
Professor at the Department of General Surgery of the Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Niyozov Mukhamad Baxronovich
Gulistan State University, Head of the Department of Preschool Education, Doctor of Philosophy on Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Gulistan, Uzbekistan
Shirinova Inobat Anvarovna
Gulistan State University, Professor, Doctor of Biological Science, Uzbekistan
Abdurakhimov Doniyor Baxodirovich
Gulistan State University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Uzbekistan
Abdullayeva Ranajon Matyoqubovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Sciences PhD., Associate Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Department of General Psychology, Uzbekistan
Mukhiddin Juraev
Associate Professor, Department of Transport Logistics, Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Kurbonova Zumrad Chutbayevna
PhD, Associate Professor, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Eshmurod Mustafoyevich Murtazayev
Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics , PhD.
Pardaeva Shakhnoza Abdinabievna
Tashkent Institute of Finance
Mekhmonov Mashkhurbek Khusen o'g'li
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences. PhD, Tashkent State Transport University, Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Engineering. Uzbekistan.
Khalfin Gali-Askar Rustamovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, PhD, Tashkent State Transport University, Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Engineering. Uzbekistan
Maxmudova Oybarchin
Profi University, Docent of Preschool Education, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)
Khaydarov Fazliddin Ikromovich
PhD, Professor of the Cycle of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Humanities, Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sharipova Surayyo Burkhanovna
PhD., Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan
Sadikova Shoista Akbarobvna
PhD., Associate Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Rasulov Anvar Bakhodirovich
PhD. Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Kunduzova Kumrihon Ibragimovna
PhD in Economics, Docent, Department of Accounting and Audit, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Madrimov Bakhrom Khudoynozorovich
Professor of Theory of Pedagogy, History of Pedagogical Studies, Professor of the Department of "Music Performance and Culture" in Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan.
Ashirov Shamshidin Annazarovich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Elmuratov Rustam Ummatkulovich
Gulistan State University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Teshabaeva Feruza Raximovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Mahmudova Madinaxon Sobirxonovna
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Head Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Pedagogical Sciences, Uzbekistan
Raximova Xurshidaxon Sadikovna
Head Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Pedagogical Sciences, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Abdikodirov Shavkat Abdikhamidovich,
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics of Termiz Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Sabirova Mukhlisakhon
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Philological Sciences, Scientific Researcher at Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Uzbekistan Academy Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Akhmedova Nilufar
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Philological Sciences, Scientific Researcher at Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Uzbekistan Academy Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Turakhanov Abdukarim Eshkuzievich
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD), National Center for Training Pedagogues in New Methodologies of Surkhandarya Region, Acting Associate Professor of the "Pedagogy, Psychology and Educational Technologies" Department
Esimbetov Ruslan Maxsetbaevich
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Department of General Biology and Physiology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences.
O'roqova Zilola Salomovna
Doctor of Philosopy (PhD) in Philology, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Language Teaching Methodology of Kashkadarya Region National Center for Training Pedagogues in New Methods. Uzbekistan.
Muminova Nargiza Isatullaevna
Docent of Department Chemistry teaching methodology Candidate of Chemical Sciences Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh
Karimova Goolbahor Abdusattarovna
PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Agribusiness and Marketing Department, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies
Abdukhamidov Mukhammadjon Abdukhalim ugli
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Islamic Sciences International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Ismadiyarov Yashin Utkurovich
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DcS), Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Belarusian-Uzbek Interdisciplinary Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Abdurakhmonov Akbar Abdukhamidovich
Head of the Department of "Educational and Methodological Support" Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Matkarimov Abdurashid Xayitmatovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dotsent (Associate Professor) of “Applied Mechanics” of Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Axmedxodjayeva Ifoda Axmadjanovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics, “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University, Uzbekistan
Xazratkulova Shaxnoza Usmonovna
PhD, Head of the "Irrigation and Reclamation" Department Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology of "TIIAME" National Research University
Ergashev Erkin Irokovich
DSc, Associate Professor of Tashkent Financial Institute Uzbekistan
Berdiyorov Bakhtiyor Sodikovich
PhD, Tashkent Financial Institute Uzbekistan
Mirzayeva Nodira Baxadirjanovna
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatric Gynecology, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Bozarov Dilmurod Mirzarasulovich,
Candidate of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of "Military Security" of the Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Bolibekov Alisher Abdusalomovich
Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy on Pedagogical Sciences, Uzbekistan
Eshanova Gulchekhrakhan Numonovna
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi, Associate Professor of "Social Sciences" Department, Candidate of Philosophy
Boboyorov Bobomurod Normatovich
Associate Professor of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Borasulov Akmal Mirayimovich
Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tashkent Branch, Deputy Dean for Youth Issues and Spiritual and Educational Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agriculture Sciences
Shavkat Ikromov Iskandarovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of “History and Anthropology of Eastern Countries” of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.
Kaxxarov A’loxon Abrorovich
Associate Professor (PhD) at Artificial intelligence department, Computer engineering faculty, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan
Shukurov Kamoliddin Elbobo o‘g‘li
Associate Professor (PhD) at Artificial Intelligence Department, Computer Engineering faculty, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan
Ochilov Mannon Musinovich
Associate-professor (PhD) at Artificial intelligence department, Computer engineering faculty, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan
Abdullayeva Malika Ilxamovna
Associate-professor (PhD) at Artificial intelligence department, Computer engineering faculty, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan
Venkata Sai Teja Yarlagadda,
Department of Information Technology, Independent Researcher and Software Engineer, Vignan's University, India.
Manaswini Davuluri,
Sr. Project Manager and Research Scientist, Department of Information Systems, North Carolina, USA
Sr, Data Engineer and Sr. Research Scientist, Department of Information Technology, FL, USA.
Qutaiba Hamid Mohammed
Educational and Psychological Sciences / Teaching Methods, Department of Oil and Gas Refining Engineering / College of Petroleum Operations Engineering / University of Tikrit / Iraq
Faten Taha Ahmed Younis
Um Al-Rabeein Secondary School for Outstanding Girls / Directorate of Education of Nineveh / Iraq