Profit Growth, Fee Base Income, CreditAbstract
This study aims to determine fee-based income and credit distribution in increasing profit growth during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Bank BRI Unit Kota Selatan. The source of data in this study is secondary data from Bank BRI Unit Kota Selatan in the form of profit data, Fee Base Income. The data analysis technique used is the coefficient of change analysis. The results of this study indicate that (1) the Marginal Fee Base Income (FBI) value to assess the competitive advantage of Fee Base Income (FBI) shows that changes in profit growth are caused by changes in Fee Base Income (FBI) of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Unit Kota Selatan Gorontalo City is still relatively low in competitiveness, especially in 2020 and 2021, which continues to decline. Meanwhile, seen from the comparative results, it is found that Fee Base Income (FBI) is able to contribute to a larger profit than profits from credit, although consistently credit is still better. (2) The Marginal Value of credit to assess the competitive advantage of credit shows that changes in profit growth are highly dependent on changes in credit which indicate that credit has superior competitiveness in increasing profit growth of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Unit Kota Selatan Gorontalo City. Meanwhile, judging from the comparative results, it was found that credit was more dominant during the 2019 quarter 4 to 2021 quarter 4 in contributing to the overall increase in profit at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Kota Selatan Unit Gorontalo City.
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