Poverty, Education, HealthAbstract
This study aims to determine how much influence the performance of education and health has on poverty in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods. The data used in this study were sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Regional Basic Data Management Information System (SIMREG) using multiple regression econometric analysis, while the time period chosen in this study was six years (2013-2018). The results of this study indicate that, (i) the average length of schooling has a positive and insignificant correlation with poverty, meaning that every increase in the average length of schooling will increase the poverty rate in Indonesia. (ii) the net participation rate has a negative and significant effect on poverty, meaning that every increase in the net participation rate will reduce the poverty rate in Indonesia. (iii) school enrollment rates are positively and insignificantly correlated with poverty, meaning that every increase in school enrollment rates will increase poverty rates in Indonesia (iv) life expectancy has a negative and significant effect on poverty, meaning that any increase in life expectancy will reduce poverty rates in Indonesia. (v) the number of hospitals has a negative and significant effect on poverty, meaning that every increase in the number of hospitals will reduce the poverty rate in Indonesia. (vi) the number of puskesmas has a negative and significant effect on poverty, meaning that every increase in the number of puskesmas will increase the poverty rate in Indonesia
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