
  • Mohammed Abdul Aziz LATEEF Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design, College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk – Iraq
  • Ali Mohammed NOORI Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design, College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk – Iraq.
  • Najlaa Aswad ABID Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul – Iraq.
  • Yusra Mohammed SALEH Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul – Iraq


Macronutrients, fruit crops, control, specialty


Macronutrients are important to get the best Growth, yield, and quality in plants. It is partially satisfied by the soil or by chemicals fertilizer or through other sources. Proper nutrition of plants is essential Successful production of fruit crops fruit crops. The presence of macronutrients in sufficient quantity and in appropriate proportions is one of the most important factors that control plant growth in fruit crops. Macronutrients are involved in all metabolic and cellular functions. The plants differ in their need for macronutrients. In this review, we focus on the specialty Functions of mineral macronutrients in fruit growth and production.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Abdul Aziz LATEEF, Ali Mohammed NOORI, Najlaa Aswad ABID, & Yusra Mohammed SALEH. (2021). A REVIEW ON MACRONUTRIENTS EFFECT ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF STONE FRUIT. European Journal of Agricultural and Rural Education, 2(12), 34-39. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejare/article/view/1536


