Tracer Study, Graduate School, ANOVA, EmployabilityAbstract
This study titled TRACER STUDY OF ST. PAUL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-202, anchored on the Big Bulk Theory of Doll, was a descriptive type of Quantitative research.It was aimed to determine the employability of graduates from the Graduate School of SPUS. The inputted concepts and theory was processed using descriptive normative survey of quantitative research.Several statistical tools were employed including the Chi Square, Pearson r product of moment Correlation product and ANOVA, for the treatment of data. The CHED modified validated questionnaire was used as the primary tool for this study. The said instrument contains 3 major parts which is profile of the graduate students, academic profile, details on employment data, school related items, and relevant competencies factors. Results showed that there was a significant degree of variance on the contribution of the program to the development of personal and professional growth, there was a significant degree of variance on the level of satisfaction when respondents were grouped according to their degree programs, hence, there was rejection of the null hypothesis. With reference to the prime objective of the study, the findings strongly showed that the Graduate School and Professional Studies of St. Paul University Surigao has greatly contributed to the professional and personal development of the respondents. It is also noted, however, that majority of the respondents came from the education sector who need the graduate and post-graduate degrees required for teaching major courses in the academe or who aspired for administrative positions. Obviously, for those in the academe, their degrees led to their retention and/ or career advancement. On the other hand, it would be noteworthy to find out that there was a need to strengthen the entrepreneurial skills and Exposure to International Community with field of specialization in the curriculum of the Graduate School and Professional Studies.
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