Leadership practices, Job satisfaction, Guidance counselors, constantAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the leadership practices and the job satisfaction among public secondary counselors. The study employed a qualitative-quantitative descriptive method under which a survey design was used to collect data with the use of questionnaires. There were 35 public secondary school counselors as respondents from 26 secondary schools in Cebu city. The key findings of the study indicate that the leadership practices among the respondents are measured as usually practiced. It also established a satisfactory level of job satisfaction. The study showed that job satisfaction is significantly related to their leadership practices. Moreover, the guidance counselors’ leadership practices is significantly related to gender, while the civil status and number of years in service is not significantly related. The results imply that high level of leadership practices is not a guarantee of a high level of satisfaction since the dimensions of job satisfaction are different and considered of constant value under these circumstances.
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