
  • Julio Richard Turambi Administrative Science Study Program, Class XXX, University Build Gorontalo Cadets, Gorontalo, Indonesia
  • Chaca Marsya Podomi Administrative Science Study Program, Class XXX, University Build Gorontalo Cadets, Gorontalo, Indonesia
  • Widya Prawita Pontoh Administrative Science Study Program, Class XXX, University Build Gorontalo Cadets, Gorontalo, Indonesia
  • Abdul Rahmat Administrative Science Study Program, Class XXX, University Build Gorontalo Cadets, Gorontalo, Indonesia


Competence, work achievement, Tourism and Culture Office


This study aims to evaluate the effect of competence on work achievement at the Tourism and Culture Office of Bolaang Mongondow Regency. This study uses a survey research type with a quantitative approach. The population and samples used in this study cover all 19 apparatus working at the Tourism and Culture Office of Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The instruments in this study use a validity test, reliability test, correlation test, and research hypothesis test. The results of the study found in the field explain that the questionnaire testing Competence (X) and Work Achievement (Y) were declared valid and continued for testing the reliability of the data. The results of the reliability test produced by each variable describe that Competency (X) has a Cronbach alpha value of 0.715> 0.368 (r table), while Work Achievement (Y) has a Cronbach alpha value of 0.724> 0.368 (r table). The instruments of these two variables are declared reliable as a data collection tool in this study. The correlation between the two variables is based on the calculated r-value for Competence at 0.741> 0.368 (r table) and Work Achievement at 1,000 > 0.368 (r table). There is a strong correlation between Competence (X) and Work Achievement (Y) because the rcount or Pearson correlation in this analysis is positive. In other words, the higher the competency of the apparatus, the higher the work achievement. The results of the hypothesis test based on the F test show that F count < F table (3.379 < 0.352). This shows that the results of hypothesis testing in this study are at a 95% confidence level. Statistically, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that there is a significant effect of Competence (X) on Work Achievement (X) at the Tourism and Culture Office of Bolaang Mongondow Regency, and acceptable


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How to Cite

Julio Richard Turambi, Chaca Marsya Podomi, Widya Prawita Pontoh, & Abdul Rahmat. (2023). COMPETENCY ANALYSIS OF JOB ACHIEVEMENT IN THE TOURISM AND CULTURE OFFICE OF BOLAANG MONGONDOW DISTRICT. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 4(9), 148-154. Retrieved from


