Culture Work, Reward, Punishment, PerformanceAbstract
In achieving its goals , police agencies need police officers who have performance the good one. The performance of police officers must continue to be improved. This study aim For know influence culture work , reward and punishment to performance member Police. Method used in study This is study quantitative that is analyzing quantitative/statistical research data with the aim of testing hypotheses. Study results This show that work culture has a positive and significant effect on member performance police station , so that if it is cultural work increases, the member's performance increases police officers increase, on the contrary if culture work decreases, the member's performance decreases police force decreased. Rewards have a positive and significant effect on performance member police station , so if the reward increases, the member's performance will increase Police officers increase, conversely, if rewards decrease, member performance will decrease police force decreased. Punishment has a positive and significant effect on member performance police station, so can explained that if punishment increases, member performance will increase police officers increase, on the other hand, if punishment decreases then member performance will increase Police decreased
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