Tax Payer Education, Legal Service, Companies Income Tax, Tax Revenue Generation and Tax ComplianceAbstract
The contributions of companies income tax to any economy globally cannot be overemphasized. Apart from the revenue function of performs for the government, it has been observed over the years in Nigerian economy that the taxes derived from companies has been grossly understated due to the improper administration of Nigeria tax system. In the collection and assessment of companies in any fiscal year, Companies are known to be evading tax which is criminal in nature and also avoiding tax due to various loopholes in the tax laws. Non-compliance with tax rules and regulations has been a bottle neck which is the key factor in the effectiveness in the management of Nigerian tax system. The aim of this research is to empirically analyze and predict tax compliance structure and lens of companies income tax paradigm in Nigeria. data on different types tax compliance structure and companies income tax from 1981- 2021 were collected from the world bank data index, central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin, National Bureau of Statistics and Federal Inland Revenue Service pro-mass. Descriptive statistics, ordinary least square regression analysis, unit root test, Johansen co-integration, error correction model and granger causality test were used in analyzing the data. The empirical results indicate that pay payer education significantly relate to companies income tax. No insignificant relationship was shown to exist among legal support, tax payer service, technology adoption, law enforcement and companies income tax. We concludes that tax compliance structure relate to tax revenue generation paradigm and recommends that government should promote strong fiscal responsibility and transparency in governance to encourage voluntary compliance to tax payments and urgently implement the national tax policy and fight the endemic corruption in Nigeria
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