anti-Semitism, hate incident, Jewish immigrants, cultural diversity and inclusionAbstract
Throughout the years, Jewish immigrants have settled in different neighborhoods across the United States (Morris, 2017). This research aims to investigate the differences in the perceptions of the second and third Jewish immigrant generations toward viewing awareness of cultural diversity and inclusion. This research analyzed the identifications and goals of different groups from the perspectives of ethnicity, value, culture, and beliefs. A structured literature review of this research would help enhance an understanding of what was known about the characteristics of individuals and provide evidence for analyzing the motivations of individuals in intergroup conflicts. Additionally, the author investigated the differences in the perceptions of the second and the third Jewish immigrant generations toward viewing awareness of cultural diversity. Moreover, this research further probed how participants felt the media-fueled political and cultural divisiveness among people, which aimed to encourage collaboration among different groups. Furthermore, this author recommends bringing politicians, educators, and other individuals to find solutions to enhance social justice to reduce anti-Semitic hate crimes and violence
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